Scratch Made EP006: 2022 Food Fellows

We sat down with Kevin, Jose, Mesha and Manuel to talk about their experiences in the third cohort of the Food Fellowship. They discuss their experience working in the kitchen, on The Patachou Foundation Urban Farm, at Foundation Coffee Company and Patachou, Inc. restaurants. Learn more about the field trips, guest speakers and hands-on experience that made it a fantastic summer!

Could you reflect on your time in the Food Fellowship? What was your experience like?

What has been your favorite part of the Food Fellowship?

What skills have you learned that you might use in your future?

What was your favorite thing you learned from the guest speakers?

What was your favorite field trip?

What was your experience like working at the Patachou, Inc restaurants (Cafe Patachou & Petite Chou)? Was it what you expected?

What have you discovered during your time in the Food Fellowship?